Air Defense Command and Control System

fire command and
integration of
various systems
  • High operational availability and survivability
  • State-of-the-art technologies 
  • Full Link-16 integration
  • Improves overall surveillance coverage with current sensors
  • Provides Full National situational awareness
  • Enables efficient utilization of all air and ground assets

Air Defense Command and Control System

Basic characteristics

ADCCS Modular capabilities

  • Multi Sensor Tracking (MST) –  Air Situation Picture (ASP)
  • Rockets and ballistic missiles air picture generation
  • ID Engine – Recognized Air Picture (RAP)
  • ESM integration
  • Mission and Battle Management
  • Optimized Sensor Management (OSM) Application
  • Safety Net
  • Link 16 functionality and interoperability
  • Training & simulation
  • Recording & debriefing


  • As required by the very nature of the system, survivability is a key feature in the system. 
  • For this reason, the system includes 3 levels of Redundancy:
    • In site redundancy
    • Redundancy between sites
    • Architecture Redundancy

System Capabilities

  • Tracking: more than 2,000 targets (upgradable by even order of magnitude)
  • High Input data rate (more than 2,000 messages/sec)
  • Hight Track update rate (1-2 seconds)
  • Large number of inputs from various categories (radars, IFF, self-report, ADS-B, etc.).
  • Multiple links and interfaces

Ballistic Missiles Picture Generation

  • Classification of the specific missile type (e.g. SCUD)
  • Accurate calculation of the Launch Point (LP)
  • Accurate extrapolation of Impact Point (IP)
  • Used for intercept decision and Civil defense early warning

Air defense C2 system with advanced multi sensor tracker is a “Force multiplier” and enables to get the most from every Sensor and every Weapon system.